on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, one of the popular online retailer in India, has partnered with Aircel, one of India’s leading telecom operators, to offer free data to customers buying data enabled phones. These customers can get up to 3GB of free 2G or 3G data valid for 3 months. Micromax partnered with Aircellast year for bundled offers on smartphones and 3G Dongles.
This limited period offer will be redeemable through a promo code, sent by Snapdeal. Both new and Aircel subscribers need to send these promo codes to 121, to claim the bundle. These companies did not announce when the offer would end.
AIRCEL PARTNERS WITH SNAPDEAL 4.5 5 Unknown Tuesday, March 11, 2014, one of the popular online retailer in India, has partnered with Aircel, one of India’s leading telecom operators, to offer fr...


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